Astoria Tech Meetup Presentation PDF - Some Films & Video Art - Duermen bajo las aguas Video Art Desastre(s) Short Film Animales Video Art Untied Short Film Horizontes Video Art Tesoros Short Film Me Aburro Short Film Scanning USA Video Art Sutphin Blvd. Short...
PROJECT DESCRIPTION For the past twelve years I have lived abroad and far away from my family and long time friends. These days we have telephones, the Internet and even video conference to close the gap of the long distance; to bring us back together. But every time...
(Looking for Evidence) PREFACE by Carolee Schneeman Returning to New York City from Spain, Ivan Cortazar asked, “Where is the war?” as he explored his daily life searching for local evidence of the devastating USA invasion of Iraq. In sequences of irreducible...
SIN TIEMPO (without time) “Sin tiempo” is a photographic diary. Using a pinhole camera and long exposure times I merge events into one single image. The film is exposed during my breakfast, shower, diner or a subway ride. The camera follows me in my daily life...